KOTUMB: Professional Networking App, Jobs, Webinar [免费版]


KOTUMB is a Multi-utility Professional Networking Platform where individual can write their professional information and invite others to join and form
community. Organisations interested in providing job and other professional facilities can lookup for appropriate profile and get into business with the individuals
KOTUMB is providing
· A digital platform to the people - where they can share information about themselves i.e get a digital identity and let the world know about their existence and their
· Individual can invite their known people to join KOTUMB thus increase their connection where they can keep themselves updated and get the benefit about the professional
information about each other
· Others interested in doing business with them or providing them job or any other professional facility, can lookup on relevant profile to confirm information and
knowledge required to-take informed decision
· Individuals can create a digital community where they have the professional information about each other and can interacts socially for professional benefits
· They can save their frequently visited site in the bookmarks for easier revisits
· Keep todo list and reminders in the notepad provided


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  • 软件名称: KOTUMB: Professional Networking App, Jobs, Webinar
  • 软件分类: 社交互动
  • APK名称: com.codeholic.kotumb.app
  • 最新版本:
  • 支持ROM: 5.0及更高版本
  • 软件大小 : 17.07 MB
  • 更新日期: 2020-04-04