Internet |
Allows to access internet network. |
Access network state |
Allows to access information about networks. |
Access wifi state |
Allows to access information about Wi-Fi networks. |
Change wifi multicast state |
Allows to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode. |
Change network state |
Allows to change network connectivity state. |
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES |
App customer permission. |
Access fine location |
Allows to access precise location from location sources such as GPS, cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
Access coarse location |
Allows to access approximate location derived from network location sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
Change wifi state |
Allows to change Wi-Fi connectivity state. |
App customer permission. |
Flashlight |
Allows to use the flashlight. |
Vibrate |
Allows access to the vibrator. |
Read external storage |
Allows to read from external storage such as SD card. |
Write external storage |
Allows to write to external storage such as SD card. |
Camera |
Allows to use the camera device. |
Record audio |
Allows to record audio. |
Bluetooth |
Allows to to connect to paired bluetooth devices. |
Bluetooth admin |
Allows to discover and pair bluetooth devices. |
Modify audio settings |
Allows to modify global audio settings. |
Broadcast sticky |
Allows to broadcast sticky intents. |
com.coocaa.smartscreen.permission.RECEIVE_MSG |
App customer permission. |
com.coocaa.smartscreen.permission.MIPUSH_RECEIVE |
App customer permission. |
com.meizu.flyme.push.permission.RECEIVE |
App customer permission. |
com.coocaa.smartscreen.push.permission.MESSAGE |
App customer permission. |
com.meizu.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE |
App customer permission. |
com.coocaa.smartscreen.permission.C2D_MESSAGE |
App customer permission. |
com.coloros.mcs.permission.RECIEVE_MCS_MESSAGE |
App customer permission. |
com.heytap.mcs.permission.RECIEVE_MCS_MESSAGE |
App customer permission. |
Get tasks |
Allows to get information about the currently or recently running tasks. |
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE |
App customer permission. |
Capture video output |
Allows to capture video output. |
Capture secure video output |
Allows to capture secure video output. |
Inject events |
Allows an application to inject user events (keys, touch, trackball) into the event stream and deliver them to ANY window. |
Read phone state |
Allows read only access to phone state. |
Write settings |
Allows to read or write the system settings. |
Wake lock |
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. |
Disable keyguard |
Allows to disable the keyguard. |
com.tianci.user.permission.READ_CONTENT |
App customer permission. |
com.coocaa.smartscreen.permission.PROCESS_PUSH_MSG |
App customer permission. |
com.coocaa.smartscreen.permission.PUSH_PROVIDER |
App customer permission. |
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO |
App customer permission. |
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES |
App customer permission. |
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO |
App customer permission. |
com.huawei.appmarket.service.commondata.permission.GET_COMMON_DATA |
App customer permission. |