The mystical world of Fantasia is threatened with destruction by a lurking evil. Everyone’s favorite fairy tales are straying from their narrative, sending Fantasia into
chaos. Aesop, the lord of Fantasia, has summoned you to restore order!
Take up Aesop’s legendary spear and venture on a journey of danger and whimsy! Collect and train a team of heroes to save Fantasia and create your own legend!Game Features:
✔ Unique turn-based gameplay. Change tactics with just a tap!
✔ Collect your favorite fables as special trading cards!
✔ Strategic gameplay with dazzling combos!
✔ Over 100 immersive and thrilling stages!
✔ Hundreds of fairy tales to choose from as you build a perfect team!
Note: This game requires an internet connection.
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- 01/17/2018: Final Fable 2.1.22
- 报告一个新版本
Free Download
- 软件名称: Final Fable
- 软件分类: 角色扮演
- APK名称: com.igg.android.finalfable
- 最新版本: 2.1.22
- 支持ROM: 2.3及更高版本
- 软件大小 : 48.88 MB
- 更新日期: 2018-01-17