HD Quran print in Indo/Pak script (without translation) as used by students (Hufaz) to learn by heart in Pakistan, India, etc.
Allows to highlight text to mark errors during Hifiz and revisions. it works without the Internet.
Allows to highlight text to mark errors during Hifiz and revisions. it works without the Internet.
- 01/29/2018: Urdu Quran (15 lines per page) 8.2.2
- 01/02/2018: Urdu Quran (15 lines per page) 8.2.0
- 报告一个新版本
Free Download
- 软件名称: Urdu Quran (15 lines per page)
- 软件分类: 图书工具书
- APK名称: com.iroshni.urduquran15lines
- 最新版本: 8.2.2
- 支持ROM: 4.0及更高版本
- 软件大小 : 1.83 MB
- 更新日期: 2018-01-29