핑미챗 - 동네친구, 채팅친구 커뮤니티 1.0.6 [免费版]


1. After verifying your phone number, complete your profile, including your personality, hobbies, and profile picture, and join.
2. Pingme Chat is real-time monitoring and can be used immediately after registration, but it is
If you create a profile, you will be permanently suspended within 24 hours.
3. We will introduce close friends first through location-based.
4. After checking your profile, if you like it, feel free to click Chat
5. If the other person accepts the request, you can start a conversation freely.
6. Free ping if you have fun in the community!
▶ This app is doing its best to monitor for the protection of youth by prohibiting the following actions within the app in accordance with the 'Recommendation for Strengthening
Youth Protection Activities' of the vigilance committee. In addition, we will monitor the distribution of illegal and harmful content, and inform you that if found, the
member/post may be blocked without notice.
1. This app is not for the purpose of prostitution, and complies with the Youth Protection Act, but the user's attention is required as it may contain harmful or content to
2. A person who mediates, solicits, induces, or coerces prostitution, including children and adolescents, or a person who engages in prostitution is subject to criminal
3. Posts that induce unhealthy encounters by comparing obscene or sexually explicit profile photos and sexual acts are prohibited on this service.
4. Illegal acts that violate the current law, such as other narcotics, pharmaceuticals, and long-term transactions, are prohibited.
If there is an illegal transaction solicitation, report it to [[email protected]] You can get help from the Sexual Violence Protection Center
▶ Required access rights
- Phone: Permissions required to maintain the authentication status received on my device
▶ Optional access rights
- Camera: Permission required to take a profile picture directly
-Storage: Permissions required to load the profile picture from the device photo album
-Location: You can use the location-based service to find the opposite sex near you.
▶ Homepage
▶ How to contact the Pingme Chat customer center
- App: Main page -> Cog wheel on the bottom menu -> Contact Us
- Mail: [email protected]
- Developer contact: [email protected]
- Customer Center Business Hours Mon-Fri 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
- Members over 20 years of age can sign up for our service.


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  • 软件名称: 핑미챗 - 동네친구, 채팅친구 커뮤니티
  • 软件分类: 社交互动
  • APK名称: com.pinkchat
  • 最新版本: 1.0.6
  • 支持ROM: 5.0及更高版本
  • 软件大小 : 3.17 MB
  • 更新日期: 2023-04-03