Satria Muda Indonesia 1.7 [免费版]


Peccak Silat Satria Muda Berdiri pada tanggal 19 Juli 1987 di Lembah Pinus Ciloto -Jawa baratVisi
Terwujudnya Perguruan yang succes dalam melestarikan Pencak Silat di zaman era globalisasi dan menjadi yang unggulMisi
1. Melestarikan warisan seni beladiri pencak silat the king fighters dan budaya bangsa yang bernilai luhur
2. Mengembangkan, melestarikan dan memasyarakatkan pencak silat
3. Menanamkan rasa cita tanah air dan menghargai terhadap budaya bangsa sendiri pada generasi muda
4. Menjadikan pencak silat sebagai kebanggaan serta semakin dikenal dan bisa go internasional
Pengembangan aplikasi dan penambahan materi diantaranya :
+ Materi IPSI+ Versi Updet
+ Pengembangan Aplikasi
+ Penambahan materi guna menambah ilmu dan pengetahuan di antaranya:
+ Doa-doa Islam
+ Panduan Sholat Lengkap
+ Panduan Jenazah
+ Panduan Ziarah
+ Ruqiyah Mandiri
+ Syair Renungan Kehidupan
+ Hidup Sehat Ala Rasulullah
+ Amalan Sunnah Rosul
+ Kitab Sirrul Asror+ Kumpulan Kisah Islami
+ Kisah 25 Nabi dan Rasul
+ Kisah Sang Rasul
+ Kisah Sahabat Rasul
+ Kisah Istri Rasul
+ Kisah Malaikat Allah
+ Kisah Nabi Khidir
+ Kisah Syekh Abdul Qadir
+ Kisah Para Waliullah
+ Kisah Hikmah Islami
Semoga aplikasi ini dapat bermanfaat
Jika ada masukan dan saran mohon kirmkan lewat Email kami di; [email protected]

Silat Peccak Satria Muda Standing on July 19, 1987 in Pine Valley Ciloto -Jawa west
Realization of Education that succes in preserving Pencak Silat in the age of globalization and become superior
1. Preserve the legacy of the martial arts king fighters martial arts and culture are worth sublime
2. Develop, preserve and promote the martial arts
3. Instill a sense of joy homeland and respect towards their own national culture in the younger generation
4. Making the martial arts as well as the pride of the more well known and can go international
Application development and addition of materials such as:
+ Material IPSI
+ Version Updet
+ Application Development
+ The addition of material in order to increase knowledge and knowledge of them:
+ Prayers Islam
+ Free Prayer Complete
+ Free Jenazah
+ Free Pilgrimage
+ Ruqiyah Mandiri
+ Poetry Devotional Life
+ Ala Healthy Living Prophet
+ Practice Sunnah of the Prophet
+ Book Sirrul Asror
+ set of Islamic Stories
+ Acts 25 Nabi and Rasul
+ Acts of the Apostles
+ Story Friends of Rasul
+ Acts of Apostles Wife
+ Story angel of God
+ The story of the Prophet Khidr
+ Story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir
+ Acts of the Waliullah
+ Story of Islamic Wisdom
Hopefully, this application can be useful
If there is a input and suggestions please kirmkan through the Email in; [email protected]


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  • 软件名称: Satria Muda Indonesia
  • 软件分类: 图书工具书
  • APK名称: com.putih.satriamudaindonesia
  • 最新版本: 1.7
  • 支持ROM: 2.3及更高版本
  • 软件大小 : 10.42 MB
  • 更新日期: 2020-03-22