Tawasul adalah mendekatkan diri atau memohon kepada Allah SWT dengan melalui Wasilah (Perantara) yang memiliki kedudukan baik di sisi Allah SWTWasilah yang digunakan bisa berupa Nama dan Sifat Allah SWT, Amal Saleh yang kita lakukan, dzat serta kedudukan Para Nabi dan Orang Shaleh, atau bisa
juga dengan meminta Doa kepada hamba-Nya yang sholeh.
Allah SWT berfirman :
Artinya : Dan carilah jalan yang mendekatkan diri ( Wasilah ) kepada-Nya. (Al-Maidah:35)
Menurut Jumhur Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaah, Tawasul dengan segala ragamnya adalah perbuatan yang dibolehkan atau dianjurkanDalil Hukum Tawasul ALLAH berfirman dalam al QurAn Artinya :
“Jikalau mereka telah menganiaya dirinya (berbuat dosa) lantas datang kepadamu (hai Rasulullah), lalu mereka memohon am pun kepada Allah, dan Rasul pun memohonkan am pun,
tentulah mereka mendapati Allah Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Maha Penyayang”. (An Nisa’: 64)
Dalam Buku ini memuat materi di antaranya :+ Wasilah/Perantara dalam Tawasul
+ Tawasul Dalam Hadist
+ Tawasul Dalam Alquran
+ Tawasul Amalan Para Sahabat dan Orang Saleh
+ Dalil Berdoa dengan Tawasul
+ Rotibul Haddad
+ Manaqib Abul Hasan Al Syazili
+ Tawasul
+ Yasin dan Tahlil
+ Doa-doa Lengkap
Penambahan materi pendukung guna menambah ilmu dan pengetahuan dalam ruang lingkup Sunnah Islam diantaranya :+ Ratib Al Haddad
+ Ratib Al Athos
+ Ratib Al Idrus
+ Wirdul Lathif
+ Wirdus Sakran
+ Hizib Bahr
+ Hizib Nashr
+ Hizib Nawawi
+ Hizib wikayah+ Versi Updet
+ Pengembangan aplikasi
+ Penambahan materi guna menambah ilmu dan pengetahuan di antaranya:
+ Doa-doa Islam
+ Juz Amma
+ Amalan Sunnah Rosul
+ Amalan Sholawat
+ Dzikir dan Wirid
+ Panduan Ziarah
+ Yasin dan Tahlil
+ Istighosah
+ Kumpulan Sholawat
+ Nadhom Alfiyah
+ Ta'lim Muta' Alim
+ Kitab Alaa Laa
+ Panduan Jenazah
+ Panduan Ziarah
+ Kosa Kata Bahasa Arab+ Kumpulan Kitab Islam
+ Hadits Arbain Nawawi
+ Fiqih Imam Syafi'i
+ Akhlak Anak
+ Batshul Walimah
+ Kitab Rumah Tangga
+ Adab Suami Istri
+ Qurrotul Uyun dan Fathul Izar+ Kumpulan Kisah Islami
+ Kisah 25 Nabi dan Rasul
+ Kisah Istri Rasul
+ Kisah Para Waliullah
+ Kisah Nabi Khidir
+ Kisah Syekh Abdul Qadir
Semoga aplikasi ini dapat bermanfaat
Jika ada masukan dan saran mohon kirmkan lewat Email kami di; [email protected]
Tawasul is to get closer or ask Allah SWT by going through Wasilah (Intercessor) who has a good position with Allah SWT
Wasilah can be used in the form of Name and Nature of Allah SWT , Amal Saleh that we do, the substance and position of the Prophets and the Righteous , or it can be by
asking Prayer to His pious servant.
Allah SWT said:
Meaning: And look for a way that draws closer (Wasilah) to Him. (Al-Maidah: 35)
According to Jumhur Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaah, Tawasul with all its variety is a permissible or recommended act
The argument of Tawasul's Law ALLAH says in al QurAn Meaning:
"If they have persecuted (sinned) then come to you (O Messenger of Allah), then they plead with him to Allah, and even the Apostle begs me, surely they will find Allah is
the Receiver of Repentance, the Most Merciful". (An Nisa ': 64)
In this book contains material including:
+ Wasilah / Intermediaries in Tawasul
+ Tawasul In Hadist
+ Tawasul in the Qur'an
+ Tawasul Practice the Companions and Virtuous People
+ Dalil Pray with Tawasul
+ Rotibul Haddad
+ Manaqib Abul Hasan Al Syazili
+ Tawasul
+ Yasin and Tahlil
+ Complete Prayers
Addition of supporting material to increase knowledge and knowledge within the scope of Islamic Sunnah including:
+ Ratib Al Haddad
+ Ratib Al Athos
+ Ratib Al Idrus
+ Wirdul Lathif
+ Wirdus Sakran
+ Hizib Bahr
+ Hizib Nashr
+ Hizib Nawawi
+ Hizib wikayah
+ Updet Version
+ Application development
+ Adding material to add knowledge and knowledge including:
+ Islamic prayers
+ Juz Amma
+ The practice of Sunnah Rosul
+ Sholawat practice
+ Dhikr and Wirid
+ Pilgrimage Guide
+ Yasin and Tahlil
+ Istighosah
+ Collection of Sholawat
+ Nadhom Alfiyah
+ Ta'lim Muta 'Alim
+ The Book of Alaa Laa
+ Body Guide
+ Pilgrimage Guide
+ Arabic vocabulary
+ Collection of Islamic Books
+ Arbain Nawawi Hadith
+ Imam Shafi'i's Fiqh
+ Child's Morals
+ Batshul Walimah
+ Book of Households
+ Adab husband and wife
+ Qurrotul Uyun and Fathul Izar
+ Islamic Story Collection
+ Acts of 25 Prophets and Apostles
+ The Story of the Apostle's Wife
+ The story of the Waliullah
+ The story of the Prophet Khidir
+ Story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir
Hopefully this application can be useful
If there is a input and suggestion please send it via Email us at; [email protected]
juga dengan meminta Doa kepada hamba-Nya yang sholeh.
Allah SWT berfirman :
Artinya : Dan carilah jalan yang mendekatkan diri ( Wasilah ) kepada-Nya. (Al-Maidah:35)
Menurut Jumhur Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaah, Tawasul dengan segala ragamnya adalah perbuatan yang dibolehkan atau dianjurkanDalil Hukum Tawasul ALLAH berfirman dalam al QurAn Artinya :
“Jikalau mereka telah menganiaya dirinya (berbuat dosa) lantas datang kepadamu (hai Rasulullah), lalu mereka memohon am pun kepada Allah, dan Rasul pun memohonkan am pun,
tentulah mereka mendapati Allah Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Maha Penyayang”. (An Nisa’: 64)
Dalam Buku ini memuat materi di antaranya :+ Wasilah/Perantara dalam Tawasul
+ Tawasul Dalam Hadist
+ Tawasul Dalam Alquran
+ Tawasul Amalan Para Sahabat dan Orang Saleh
+ Dalil Berdoa dengan Tawasul
+ Rotibul Haddad
+ Manaqib Abul Hasan Al Syazili
+ Tawasul
+ Yasin dan Tahlil
+ Doa-doa Lengkap
Penambahan materi pendukung guna menambah ilmu dan pengetahuan dalam ruang lingkup Sunnah Islam diantaranya :+ Ratib Al Haddad
+ Ratib Al Athos
+ Ratib Al Idrus
+ Wirdul Lathif
+ Wirdus Sakran
+ Hizib Bahr
+ Hizib Nashr
+ Hizib Nawawi
+ Hizib wikayah+ Versi Updet
+ Pengembangan aplikasi
+ Penambahan materi guna menambah ilmu dan pengetahuan di antaranya:
+ Doa-doa Islam
+ Juz Amma
+ Amalan Sunnah Rosul
+ Amalan Sholawat
+ Dzikir dan Wirid
+ Panduan Ziarah
+ Yasin dan Tahlil
+ Istighosah
+ Kumpulan Sholawat
+ Nadhom Alfiyah
+ Ta'lim Muta' Alim
+ Kitab Alaa Laa
+ Panduan Jenazah
+ Panduan Ziarah
+ Kosa Kata Bahasa Arab+ Kumpulan Kitab Islam
+ Hadits Arbain Nawawi
+ Fiqih Imam Syafi'i
+ Akhlak Anak
+ Batshul Walimah
+ Kitab Rumah Tangga
+ Adab Suami Istri
+ Qurrotul Uyun dan Fathul Izar+ Kumpulan Kisah Islami
+ Kisah 25 Nabi dan Rasul
+ Kisah Istri Rasul
+ Kisah Para Waliullah
+ Kisah Nabi Khidir
+ Kisah Syekh Abdul Qadir
Semoga aplikasi ini dapat bermanfaat
Jika ada masukan dan saran mohon kirmkan lewat Email kami di; [email protected]
Tawasul is to get closer or ask Allah SWT by going through Wasilah (Intercessor) who has a good position with Allah SWT
Wasilah can be used in the form of Name and Nature of Allah SWT , Amal Saleh that we do, the substance and position of the Prophets and the Righteous , or it can be by
asking Prayer to His pious servant.
Allah SWT said:
Meaning: And look for a way that draws closer (Wasilah) to Him. (Al-Maidah: 35)
According to Jumhur Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaah, Tawasul with all its variety is a permissible or recommended act
The argument of Tawasul's Law ALLAH says in al QurAn Meaning:
"If they have persecuted (sinned) then come to you (O Messenger of Allah), then they plead with him to Allah, and even the Apostle begs me, surely they will find Allah is
the Receiver of Repentance, the Most Merciful". (An Nisa ': 64)
In this book contains material including:
+ Wasilah / Intermediaries in Tawasul
+ Tawasul In Hadist
+ Tawasul in the Qur'an
+ Tawasul Practice the Companions and Virtuous People
+ Dalil Pray with Tawasul
+ Rotibul Haddad
+ Manaqib Abul Hasan Al Syazili
+ Tawasul
+ Yasin and Tahlil
+ Complete Prayers
Addition of supporting material to increase knowledge and knowledge within the scope of Islamic Sunnah including:
+ Ratib Al Haddad
+ Ratib Al Athos
+ Ratib Al Idrus
+ Wirdul Lathif
+ Wirdus Sakran
+ Hizib Bahr
+ Hizib Nashr
+ Hizib Nawawi
+ Hizib wikayah
+ Updet Version
+ Application development
+ Adding material to add knowledge and knowledge including:
+ Islamic prayers
+ Juz Amma
+ The practice of Sunnah Rosul
+ Sholawat practice
+ Dhikr and Wirid
+ Pilgrimage Guide
+ Yasin and Tahlil
+ Istighosah
+ Collection of Sholawat
+ Nadhom Alfiyah
+ Ta'lim Muta 'Alim
+ The Book of Alaa Laa
+ Body Guide
+ Pilgrimage Guide
+ Arabic vocabulary
+ Collection of Islamic Books
+ Arbain Nawawi Hadith
+ Imam Shafi'i's Fiqh
+ Child's Morals
+ Batshul Walimah
+ Book of Households
+ Adab husband and wife
+ Qurrotul Uyun and Fathul Izar
+ Islamic Story Collection
+ Acts of 25 Prophets and Apostles
+ The Story of the Apostle's Wife
+ The story of the Waliullah
+ The story of the Prophet Khidir
+ Story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir
Hopefully this application can be useful
If there is a input and suggestion please send it via Email us at; [email protected]
- 10/21/2019: Tawasul Amalan Doa & Wirid 1.12
- 10/08/2018: Tawasul Amalan Doa & Wirid 1.9
- 报告一个新版本
- 软件名称: Tawasul Amalan Doa & Wirid
- 软件分类: 图书工具书
- APK名称: com.putih.tawasulamalandoadanwirid
- 最新版本: 1.12
- 支持ROM: 2.3及更高版本
- 软件大小 : 14.18 MB
- 更新日期: 2019-10-21