ReplyBot - reply to messages 4.0 [免费版]


Automatically respond to notification from popular messengers.
* Unlimited number of templates.
* Use * instead of any character and ; to separate variants
* Respond to messages not read in a certain time interval.
* A special welcome to all new contacts
* Separate filters for contacts and groups, new contacts
* Configurable delay before response.
* A notification when you reply to the bot with the opportunity to go in dialogue
* Does not respond if you are talking to this contact.
* Runs after you reboot the phone
It's free application without pay and ads.
Access to notifications:
This application does not work directly with messengers, it uses a standard notification system.
For it to work, you must confirm permission to process notifications when the application starts.
Rules are processed on the phone itself, no external services are used.
This app is NOT affiliated with WhatsApp.
This app is NOT affiliated with Skype.
This app is NOT affiliated with Telegram.
This app is NOT affiliated with Instagram.


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  • 软件名称: ReplyBot - reply to messages
  • 软件分类: 通讯交流
  • APK名称: com.replybot
  • 最新版本: 4.0
  • 支持ROM: 5.0及更高版本
  • 软件大小 : 1.46 MB
  • 更新日期: 2022-04-25