Video Downloader for Facebook 1.1 [免费版]


Welcome to Video Downloader for Facebook plus. This app will help you keep videos from your favorite social media Facebook in your device. This is a new app to search quickly and easily for any Facebook video then download it safely to your device's gallerie. * How it works: Video Downloader for Facebook contains the latest version of web mobile facebook with all its features; browsing, searching, commenting etc. Use your cridentials and login safely into your account then search for your favorite videos or browse casually. Press the play button on the video you would like to keep in your device and a little menu pops up with the options available. Choose wether you want to play the video in streaming or download it in your gallerie. * Amazing features: - Video Downloader for Facebook allows you to see all the videos you downloaded in the tab entitled: Downloads. - Check out the menu our app has; Refresh the site if you need, share, rate or exit whenever you want. - watch your videos streaming or from the app's gallerie, in portrait or landscape mode. And this is just the begining, keep a look out on our updates of Video Downloader for Facebook plus, the right app you need on your phone!


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  • 软件名称: Video Downloader for Facebook
  • 软件分类: 工具应用
  • APK名称:
  • 最新版本: 1.1
  • 支持ROM: 3.0.x及更高版本
  • 软件大小 : 1.89 MB
  • 更新日期: 2022-09-27