Studiuz Academy - New Student Hub 1.2.5 [免费版]


Studiuz - One digital notebook for all CBSE , ICSE students.
Must have Anonymous Group Study app for CBSE & ICSE Students
India's first group study app which just not only helps you with your Studies but also with your goals and personal issues
In a class let's say 10th standard, there are approx 2.3 Million students (just in CBSE) learning the same syllabus in different schools and cities, how amazing it would be
if all the 2.3 Million students can connect with each other and share their doubts on a single digital notebook.
• Are you studying really hard and still not getting desired marks?
• Do you feel uncomfortable while asking doubts in your class thinking it’s just a silly question?
• When you have a doubt in exam times do you feel helpless, as everyone is busy with their own studies?
• Do you feel self-studying is boring?
• It’s not possible to call a friend or teacher every time you have a doubt?
• Do you feel lag behind when you skip school for any reason?
How exciting will it be to share your doubts anonymously with millions of students exactly from your class and board in the comfort of your home any time anywhere
Introducing STUDIUZ.
A New Student Hub , where you will get answers for all your doubts.
• The Question is where you see yourself after school or college?
• Do you really know what course or what dream you are going to pursue?
• Are you sure that dream is not just an influence?
• Do you have a proper knowledge about your dream?
• Do you have any idea how many traps you could get into without proper knowledge about your career choices?
There are some important questions more than 80% students have no idea about. You are finding the answers without finding the write question. Studiuz will help you to find
the right question.
STUDIUZ –A New Point Of View
One Solution To All Your Problems.
STUDIUZ Learning App for school students offers comprehensive learning programs in Math, Chemistry, Biology Accountancy, Business Studies and Physics for students between
classes 8th-12th. Future updates -test prep courses for competitive exams like CAT, NEET & JEE, IAS, GRE & GMAT etc.
The app has classes from best teaching videos(YouTube) including NCERT solutions chapter-wise, Previous-Year Board, IIT-JEE, NEET & Other competitive exam solutions,
Sample papers to practice, Revision Notes, latest version of the app personalizes learning based on the individual pace and style of learning of each and every
. The STUDIUZ learning programs has been designed to make ‘every’ student fall in love with learning and not for the 'toppers' only, Support students in their journey
towards excellence ,Clear Doubts from Experts, brush-up your concept and practice Math’s, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and do well in your exam.
(Future update - Social Science, English, English Core, English Elective, Hindi, Sanskrit, Economics, History, Geography, Political Science, , Computer Science (C++ and
Python), Informatics Practices, Multimedia Web and Technology)
Features (School Learning):
• Learn - From engaging video lessons and personalized learning journeys chosen by STUDIUZ Team.
• Practice - Practice to perfection with chapter wise videos that are customized to the learning requirement of every student.
• Revise - Each module offers revision and practice sessions for students to perfect their understanding of concepts and help them excel in their examinations.
• For exams and beyond - The modules are planned in a way that it provides complete coverage of ICSE and CBSE syllabus for classes 8-12
Children’s reported an increase in their level of understanding- after using STUDIUZ -New Learning App.
We have a lot for you and we will come soon with new updates.
We would love to hear back from you, for feedback, suggestions or comments you can also email us at [email protected]


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  • 软件名称: Studiuz Academy - New Student Hub
  • 软件分类: 工具应用
  • APK名称: com.studiuz.studiuz
  • 最新版本: 1.2.5
  • 支持ROM: 4.2及更高版本
  • 软件大小 : 8.91 MB
  • 更新日期: 2021-03-17