Find My Phone 2.0.1 [免费版]


Have you ever put your phone into 'silent' mode and then forget where you left it? If yes, then 'Find My Phone' is for you! When you install this app you are asked to set a passcode (default is 'fmp'). Now all you need to do is to sms this passcode from another device to your phone. Once your phone receives this sms, the camera flash light will start flashing and your phone will start ringing at its maximum volume (even if it was set on silent). Once you find your device, all you have to do is press the power button and the flash light and ringing will stop and you can go back to what you were doing. -- Important Info -- •Keep your passcode to your self in order to prevent any pranks from your friends. •The 'Camera' and 'Receive SMS' permissions are both needed in order to access your device's flashlight.


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  • 软件名称: Find My Phone
  • 软件分类: 工具应用
  • APK名称: com.thunderboltsoft.ringmyphone
  • 最新版本: 2.0.1
  • 支持ROM: 2.3.3及更高版本
  • 软件大小 : 1.02 MB
  • 更新日期: 2022-09-28