Track the tide times for the entire state of South Carolina including Charleston, Springmaid Pier, South Capers Island, Wando River, Fripps Inlet, Skull Creek, Clarendon
Plantation, Snake Island, Limehouse Bridge, Arundel Plantation, Cumberland, North Myrtle Beach, Georgetown Lighthouse, Jacobs Wharf, Keysfield and many more. In total 161
locations throughout the state are covered. Displays the low and high tides for the day, allowing selection of any date in 2016. The map uses your GPS to make it easier to
select the port to display. No internet connection is needed for the tide times although the maps do require data to display. The sunrise and sunset times for the port
selected are also shown.
- 09/26/2022: South Carolina Tides 6.0
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Free Download
- 软件名称: South Carolina Tides
- 软件分类: 天气预报
- APK名称: com.txtvault.android.tidetimesussc
- 最新版本: 6.0
- 支持ROM: 3.0.x及更高版本
- 软件大小 : 4.31 MB
- 更新日期: 2022-09-26