Dreams Meaning 4.3 [免费版]


App to make meaning of queries of simple dreams and goal, with thousands of registered dreams in the database for free, very easy to use.
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Theory of Dreams:
Since ancient times, the human being is concerned with the interpretation of the things dreams. It is believed that the Egyptians were the pioneers in the record of the
meanings of dreams, but other people, at different times, also made their associations between the dream world and real life.
In many cultures dreams were seen as a way to communicate with the supernatural, a way to predict the future of people. An Egyptian papyrus dated 2000 BC discusses dreams
and their interpretations. It was belief in ancient Greece that the dreamer was in contact with the gods.
This study aims to:
✓ Interpret dreams
✓ Show clarity dreamers


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  • 软件名称: Dreams Meaning
  • 软件分类: 休闲娱乐
  • APK名称: com.vr.significadosonhos
  • 最新版本: 4.3
  • 支持ROM: 4.1及更高版本
  • 软件大小 : 4.44 MB
  • 更新日期: 2018-03-28