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共 32347 个APK 下载 最新版本

Whats new: - Some bugfix

67.67 MB

- We’ve made reordering exercises in a workout much faster. Press and hold the exercise title to quickly drag and drop it to the right spot in your wo

71.26 MB

This update contains minor updates, bug fixes and performance improvements.

59.68 MB

10.11 MB

Notifications improvements Profile improvements Data Saver Feature performance improvements

38.64 MB
HaffPrice 2.25.1

- Get your first item for $0.01 from now on (New Shoppers Only)! - More promotions for you in the homepage. - Improve your experience for searching pr

37.71 MB

Adjusted the layout.

4.78 MB

Making music videos has never been easier than now! All you need to do is just upload your photos and export them in videos with Mivi - Music & Lyrica

109.8 MB

Bug fixes

52.1 MB

Оптимизировано построение маршрута Оптимизировано построение точек Улучшен пользовательский интерфейс Оптимизированы запросы к сервису

17.37 MB
Al Jazeera 4.0.0

This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements.

37.31 MB

妊娠から出産、育児まで!ママ・パパの悩みをこれ1つでサポートできる 育児日記アプリ SNS総フォロワー180万人突破!国内最大級のママ・パパ向けメディア、MAMADAYS(ママデイズ)。 赤ちゃんのことをなんでも記録。 子育てや毎日の暮らしに役立つアイディア動画や便利ツールでママ・パパの課題を解決し

20.14 MB

اطلاق الاصدار 11.3 تحسين وضعية الدخول زيادة وضع المشرفين تحسين في سرعة ارسال و استقبال الرسائل

15.19 MB

Performance improvements & minor bug fixes

129.31 MB

14.69 MB

New City Added ... New Features Added... Complete Game Design Changed ... All New Robots Powers Added ...

98.35 MB

69.64 MB

37.78 MB

-Portugal and China are now available again everywhere - Fixed a bug that the rulebook of a competition could not be saved - Fixed the bug that the sc

6.19 MB
Crazy Voices 1.0.16

הוספנו עוד כמה קריינים חינמיים לאפליקציה

14.41 MB