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共 19179 个APK 下载 最新版本
GamePoint WordTornado 1.176.25675

Looking for a word game to boost your vocabulary and have fun doing so? Then look no futher than WordTornado! It's time to get your mobile dictionary

73.45 MB

시멘토 교육앱 급수한자 7급 I 앱을 통해서 급수한자 시험대비가 가능합니다! 퍼즐, 한자 맞추기, 따라쓰기, 같은 한자 선택 등 재미있는 게임을 통한 한자 학습이 가능하며, 모의 시험을 제공하고 있습니다. Shimento education app watering k

33.89 MB
Woorden 1.2020

Het doel van het spel is woorden te 'bouwen' die met een gegeven definitie overeenkomen, zoals bij een kruiswoordpuzzel (kruiswoordraadsel). Daarvoor

522.85 KB

Once you Pop, you just can't stop! Earn Stellar Lumens as you play! ---=== How to Play ===--- - Just tap two or more blocks of the same color. - There

22.64 MB

Lingo! is an addictive word game. The game is inspired by a popular game show but here we focus mainly on the part in which you guess the words. Your

8.34 MB
Kids Memory 1.0.10

* An outstanding memory game for kids and everyone young at heart. * The memory cards show impressing wildlife, fresh food, dinosaurs, or toys. * Play

8.68 MB

Adventure foi um jogo desenvolvido e publicado pela empresa de jogos Atari, Inc. Foi inspirado no jogo de texto Colossal Cave Adventure, criado por Wi

8.02 MB

É um jogo de perguntas a onde tem que responder a resposta corretamente, utilizando seus devidos acentos. Atenção. O padrão das perguntas e respostas

7.88 MB

This is free 15-turn version of Battle of Berlin 1945, a turn based strategy game taking place during the last months of the Second World War in Europ

1.17 MB

Enjoy BlackPink Puzzle~

12.24 MB

123 Fun Kids PUZZLE GOLD is a collection of puzzles which help children identify a dizzying amount of animals and objects. Each slider puzzle has 3 di

21.56 MB

King of the light is a logic puzzles game. the purpose of this logic game is to turn on the lights. it looks easy but is actually very difficult logic

78.26 MB

Need personal coloring therapy? Hey Color is a great stress and anxiety relief. Thousands of colorful and inspiring pictures, designed to relax, expel

69.6 MB
Bee Brilliant 1.85.1

Explore the world of Beeland and meet the singing Babees, the crazy Busy Bees and the cheeky spiders in this buzzing FREE puzzle game. Get ready to co

84.86 MB

Sudoku 2Go with 10'000 puzzles, 10 different variants, 5 levels of difficulty and a world-class hint engine. All the Sudoku you'll ever need! In addit

3.32 MB

Gra Kalambury umożliwia wieloosobową grę opartą na standardowym schemacie, gdzie jeden gracz próbuje narysować losowe hasło, natomiast pozostali usiłu

5.64 MB

- עשרות תשחצים בגדלים שונים לשעות של כיף והנאה! - עדכונים עם תשחצים חדשים מדי חודש! - בדיקה אוטומטית של התשובות! - שמירת ההתקדמות בכל תשחץ! - הצגת ההת

17.63 MB

Happy fun with game This game with a lot of special power-ups and awesome visual effects, you can expect the ultimate in Fruit Candy Pop Match 3 2018

27.39 MB

The intellectual development of a child is at its most active in the first years of its life. At this time, the child depends on its innate abilities,

62.85 MB
Wortsuche 1.2

Wortsuche Deutsch-Fans! Wir haben gute Neuigkeiten für Sie! Wortsuche Deutsch ist jetzt in deutscher Sprache . Viel Spaß allen! Word search German f

5.48 MB