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共 19179 个APK 下载 最新版本

Simple dice simulator. Features: Choose until 10 players Choose until 2 dices Log

2.88 MB
Car Escape 1.0.8

Car Escape is a kind of super addictive puzzle game. You should try to open up your mind and find a way to get out the red car from the board, other c

23.45 MB

Domino 99 alias QiuQiu atau KiuKiu adalah permainan kartu tradisional yang banyak dimainkan oleh masyarakat di Indonesia. Sekarang permainan ini sudah

23.72 MB

هل تعشق الجرائد والصحف اليومية لكونها تحتوي على الكلمات المسهمة والكلمات المتقاطعة ؟ هل تحب أن تقضي وقت فراغك في اشياء مسلية ومفيدة ؟ هل ترغب في إثراء

27.26 MB

Are you ready to embark on your Discovery Card Quest? Welcome to the official Trading Card Game of the Discovery universe. In Discovery Card Quest you

85.88 MB

*** NOW COMES WITH 350 LEVELS *** Another flavor of Classic Match-3 game. Your mission is to win Diamond Rush, pass the levels and try to get all star

19.38 MB

♥ Ludo - Classic King ♥ Ludo Classic King is board game played between friends, family & kids. Recall your childhood! 2, 3 or 4 player ludo board game

3.74 MB

■ゲームスタイル シングルプレイRPG オフラインプレイ可能 ■あらすじ 長き戦の末、王国の統治により平和が訪れた世界。 強者たちは次なる活躍の場を求め、大冒険時代が幕を開けた。 冒険者の一人であるあなたは、霧深き森で天にも届く塔へと辿り着く。 一人の魔女に導かれ、カードを駆使して『円環の塔』に挑む

83.84 MB
Nonograms 1.74

Nonograms is an excellent Android application to solve logic puzzles also known as Griddlers, Hanjie, Picross, Japanese Crosswords, Japanese Puzzles,

5.76 MB
Money Mantra 1.9.32

Earn Daily free Paytm cash Daily Upto 500 .Just Read Jokes and Play Spin Wheel Game.You Also eran From Invite Yours Friends.Free Paytm Cash.

9.7 MB

You're trapped inside your bedroom in Arles. It feels like you're surrounded by art. Explore the room and start completing the pictures, search for co

19.1 MB

Oh No! The evil Pretzella has salted over the Candy Kingdom! Help Tiffi and her friends bring Sweetness back to the world. UNLOCK THE STORY What is Pr

92.68 MB

simple and fun game if you are a Black Clover fan then this game is for you !! check if you are a true fan of the anime (if you complete it then you a

22.14 MB

Buy business, earn an income and become the richest! CrazyPoly is free turn based economic strategy game that allows you to buy business properties, b

28.77 MB

Trigon is a simple yet addictive triangle block puzzle game that will bring you endless fun and hours of relaxing. Trigon's gameplay is simple - on a

29.59 MB
Bubbles Rise 1.5.01

The bubbles are rising and are ready to cover the board! Shoot them and win coins! Welcome to a new amazing bubbling adventure, full of action and fun

23.08 MB

BOXlogic is a logistics puzzle game, in which the player pushes boxes or crates around in a warehouse. The object of the game is to position all the b

29.45 MB

Word Link 2 - Collect Word offers the classic gameplay of word game in a new and fun way Help you can memorize new words and expand your vocabulary!

33.77 MB

Be a Hero at the deadliest war in human history. Now we present you the opportunity to strategize and lead to win the World War II, the global war tha

79.77 MB

穿越回1800多年前的三國時代,在群雄並起、硝煙彌漫的亂世如何成就王者霸業?收集名將、呼朋引伴、合縱連橫、南征北戰,筑亂世英雄夢,你來指點江山!這是一場智勇與權謀的較量,快來開啟專屬於你的三國時代!登陸第1天送紫色武將趙雲,登錄7天送諸葛亮,快帶領你的麾下猛將攻城略地吧! 遊戲特色: 官品系統,從無

72.81 MB