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共 19179 个APK 下载 最新版本

There was a palace in a beautiful and magnificent city. The location and the palace was beautiful. A beautiful housewife lives in that place. The beau

15.26 MB

Anagram is a word game in which you must find words by rearranging the letters of a different word. Anagram offers you to find words in different cate

6.5 MB

Finish the mission and collect as many points as its fate. The anime favored by different age categories, and we hope that this game is also a favorit

29.38 MB
Homespace 0.0.0

Welcome to Homespace! Transform your charming fixer upper into a one-of-a-kind home made just for you, designed by you! Take rooms from drab to fab by

94.52 MB

A captivating collection of story - games “Quran stories” is collection of beautiful and illuminative stories from the Noble Quran, which is published

44.03 MB

The melodica, also known as the pianica, blow-organ, key harmonica, free-reed clarinet, or melodyhorn, is a free-reed instrument similar to the pump o

18.76 MB

Let's control your enemy's base with your favorite unit! Please enjoy the pleasure of breaking through the enemy's fighting line with full use of idea

9.26 MB

Enseignants et élèves, téléchargez ExetatPatsh pour avoir un reccueil de questions disponibles sur votre téléphone portable. Si vous n'avez pas d'Andr

7.05 MB

"Bumble is a compelling and challenging word game. Set deep under the sea, you are given anagrams to solve. Letters ascend in bubbles and you need to

7.53 MB

Developed by Retrover Studios "It isn’t often that something comes along that ends up remaining in your memories, but it is in these memories that we

79.74 MB

There were a few houses in a beautiful and magnificent village. The location and the housing was very beautiful. There was a tricky fox in that place.

13.06 MB

What should you do with a bow loaded with arrows? Shoot zombies, of course! Zombie Shooting is a fun and free arcade game that's all about shooting zo

64.53 MB

Развивай свои логические навыки бесплатно – разгадывай буквенные ребусы. Хочешь начать думать быстрее? Любишь филворды, сканворды, ключворды, кейворды

30.02 MB

《官人你好壞》遊戲中不禁展現了古代爾虞我詐派系林立的官場智鬥,更體現了讓人流連忘返古代官人的風流韻事。 顛覆傳統的官鬥玩法為您帶來一場步步驚心的官場傳奇人生 官鬥之餘府邸小憩,佳人相伴,風流韻事,金玉滿堂,享盡人生繁華 千古名士盡入門牆,談笑間位極人臣,權傾天下,攬括世間財富. 官人你好壞遊戲特色:

97.95 MB

古風唯美系宮廷經營養成類手游,享受極致宮廷體驗。 【高品質宮廷畫風】 橫版大場景,細致還原古代宮廷情境,多套場景皮膚免費切換; 【開放多性別角色】 響應女性玩家呼聲,新增角色形象,女子也能文武全才; 【明君殿專屬稱號】 跨服國力大比拼,稱霸全服贏取專屬稱號+專屬皮膚; 【前世今生新身份】 今生寵妃化

59.12 MB

Monkey GO Happy from Pencilkids is an internet sensation that has reached millions of players online. Now it's available for your Android device. Over

73.98 MB

Merge down is high end trend puzzle game with insane mechanics. You must only find the right colors and take it down then you will see what’s going on

24.36 MB

Do you like logic games and brain teasers? Do you also like color filling and 1 line puzzle games? Then get ready to play our new free puzzle game, Nu

36.79 MB

Something exciting just happened to you, you have a new crush, you and your friends just did something fun, or you want to speak about your deepest e

29.46 MB

Diamond Rush. Pick up diamonds, move stones,solve puzzles. Diamond Rush. Temple adventure. The character who wants to collect all the diamonds from te

32.8 MB