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共 14688 个APK 下载 最新版本

Avete la possibilità di scattare una foto e registrare la voce di un vostro amico. Una volta salvati foto e voce, vi basterà premere un pulsante per p

2.37 MB

Продемонстрируй свой интеллект в игре "Миллионер", сражаясь с самыми умными игроками планеты! Новая онлайн игра вдохновленная популярным шоу. Играй в

25.73 MB
BombSquad 1.4.154

Blow up your friends in mini-games ranging from capture-the-flag to hockey! Featuring 8 player local/networked multiplayer, gratuitous explosions, adv

62.58 MB

クイズ。人の純粋な知識量を問うそれは、老若男女誰でも楽しめる、懐の深い遊び。早押しクイズ。クイズ番組ブームを経て発達したそれは、自分の反応速度を極限まで高め、わずかな情報から答えを導き出す、エキサイティングなゲーム。 早押しクイズゲームです。クイズ好きの方を意識した作問をしております。テレビのクイズ

3.35 MB

可自設範圍及數量, 并不會重複 You can define range and number to draw without repeat, Good lucky. Can be self-contained and the number will not be repeated You ca

3.97 MB

Lollipop Candy Match is a casual puzzle game. Swipe the candies to match 3 or more, complete the requirements in limited moves or time. Lollipop Candy

10.95 MB

Fidget Spinner Neon - Join the craziest sensation of all time in Fidget Spinner Neon. Become a Fidget Spinner Pro in this game by spinning your hand s

19.33 MB

Modern times have their challenges. Living in a quarantine, for example. Even the daily walk with your dog seems to be questioned. All you want is a p

24.79 MB

The latest talking game is perfect for boys and girls of all ages, and the cute octopus is just what you need for your new virtual pet! He is cute, fu

50.91 MB

Create and make the best of your personal life the way you want in this sim's world! Make life choices and decisions that comes with many different ou

71.45 MB

100 Million Starting Credits! 100 Million Starting Credits! Great Cats Slots™ gives one of the biggest starting bonus of any slots game! Test your luc

84.11 MB

가족 여행을 가거나, 주말에 자녀들과 함께 할 수 있는 게임입니다. 가족끼리 팀을 만들고, 사회자가 진행하면서 게임을 할 수 있습니다. 게임 설명 1. 사회자 진행 게임 - OX 퀴즈 : 사회자가 OX를 퀴즈를 내고, 마지막까지 살아남은 사람이 이기는 게임. 제한 시간

14.4 MB

Let’s Drink är en spel- och dryckesapp som du och dina vänner kan använda under kvällar ni sent vill glömma! Med hjälp av Let's Drink kan du lätta upp

2.91 MB
LetsAntakshri 1.10.92

Win an iPhone X by downloading LetsAntaskshri in the RadioMirchi contest! With Lets Antakshri, you can challenge your friends and compete against Boll

16.27 MB

Classic Spot The Difference game! Find differences on beautiful pictures! The goal is very simple: search and discover all the differences you can fin

26.05 MB
TATI 7.3.3z

Guessing game based on given pictures. Guess the word representing the 4 pictures.

53.94 MB

Want to increase your bible knowledge and bible dictionary, but also enjoy a great bible christian quiz? Try one of the best bible trivia games of the

68.61 MB
Make It Rain 7.8.1

A #1 mobile game!! How fast can you make it rain? No, really… how fast???It’s a fiendishly clever game, that’s too simple and too easy and too hard an

98.78 MB
Like Mind 1.15

Like Mind

12.3 MB

Gather matter and survive in dangerous environments in your journey across the far reaches of the universe as a scientific droid. Casual scifi-themed

18.36 MB