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共 11950 个APK 下载 最新版本

Bravest knights of the kingdom! Venture down to endless dungeons, collect loot, craft your equipment and enhance your skills. You will need them to fi

27.84 MB

Is-it Love? Drogo - Vampire is a otome in English interactive. Like for television series, new episodes (chapters) are regularly released. This love s

73.7 MB

かわいらしい見た目とは裏腹に、カスタマイズできる要素が非常に多く戦略要素盛りだくさん! 手に入れたユニットの強化や、兵士のクラスチェンジ、部隊の配置変更などを駆使して 自分なりの戦略を組み立て、強敵に挑め! プレイヤー同士のバトルなど豊富なゲームモードが用意されており、遊びごたえも盛りだくさん! 簡

87.77 MB

Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? "Zombie Exodus" is a thrilling 750,000-word interactive survival-horror novel by Jim Dattilo, where your choice

7.56 MB

======격파왕 키우기 공식카페: http://cafe.naver.com/odaatstudio ======== 나무젓가락부터 다이아몬드, 외계인의 해골, 토르의 망치... 당신은 과연 어디까지 부술 수 있는가? 온 우주를 통틀어 최강의 격파왕에 도전하라! ======

50.12 MB

В наших новеллах вы решаете как будет развиваться сюжет! Романтика, мистика, приключения, драма и многое другое в этой игре для девушек. Выбирайте вне

57.15 MB

Mad science raised you from the dead! Pursue justice or vengeance, love or secrets, as you save or destroy the world with forbidden eldritch power. "T

5.24 MB

Chosen by the gods, you must battle savage monsters, corrupt priests, and mad philosophers to save reality from the dark god of destruction! "Pon Para

6.47 MB

A dark third-person adventure set in plague-ridden France. orphans Amicia and Hugo though medieval villages as you evade deadly foes, in a heartrendin

53.92 MB

◎Game Intro◎ Girls X Battle is one of the most popular anime style games in 2016, which contains hundreds of Anime Girls under master summoners comman

98.93 MB
DinoKnights 1.0.2

Saddle up to defend the realm on dino-back! Once a humble farmer’s child, you’ve been accepted into Queen Isobel's Rangers: brave knights who patrol t

5.07 MB

「先生!3時間目の授業は、渋谷奪還ですね!」 このゲームをダウンロードしたその時から、貴方は彼女たちの『先生』になる。 指一本で、爽快アクション! 「特訓」×「バトル」×「女の子」!学園アクションRPG「バトルガール ハイスクール」! ダウンロードは無料、面倒な登録や難しい操作も不要。 コロプラが贈

36.22 MB

Vives en el bosque con tu familia cuando un asalto de trasgos cambia radicalmente tu vida. Durante la lectura del Libro Juego vivirás intensas aventur

11.69 MB

In a twist of fate, you've become the princess of your country. Your first task? Choosing your prince. And the palace is full of ikemen - hot guys! Wi

35.6 MB

Start your criminal career in the glamorous world of gambling! Help luck along a little in your own casino and take your guests to the cleaners! Wheth

12.5 MB

嚴重警告!!3D童話大逃殺計畫正式啟動 惡搞無罪,KUSO有理,小心X有殺氣X! 【遊戲介紹】 多達上百種童話人物大亂鬥題材, 萌翻天二頭身比例畫風的3D動作童話遊戲,顛覆你的童話想像空間, 集結小紅帽,睡美人,白雪公主,灰姑娘等多位童話代表英雄, 極限惡搞,挑戰傳統童話思維, 一個讓你不吃不睡的霸

24.89 MB

Cheerful Cocktail Drink app will fill your phone favorite drink! Choose a cocktail, hold the phone to the edge of the mouth, tilt and drink in the ple

22.1 MB

Crafting & building for girls! Exploration lite of square blocky world! New pocket edition of design craft! Build castle, zoo, theme park, shopping ma

52.06 MB
The Tiger 1.6.5

Explore the wild jungle as a powerful tiger! This visually stunning RPG will let you develop your character and upgrade your skills to become the stro

79.96 MB

Weed Firm 2: Back to College by Manitoba Games. The sequel to the now-legendary weed growing adventure, Weed Firm: RePlanted, featuring the next level

68.1 MB