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共 20434 个APK 下载 最新版本

900+ Driver Theory Test (DTT) Questions & Answers for the Irish driver theory test for cars and motorcycles. iTheory is an award-winning learning app

29.98 MB

• "Fantastic, customizable tracing practice with fun rewards." - 5 Stars - Common Sense Media LEARN TO WRITE LETTERS Writing Wizard is the perfect app

40.66 MB

Learn Dutch fast, independently, naturally with the Delft method app. Since thirty years the most effective method to learn Dutch, developed at Delft

40.54 MB

This is pro version of English grammar practice app. It includes 3350 grammar exercises at three levels (beginner, intermediate , advanced) and is div

1.46 MB

World atlas, world map and educational app for geography. Contains 240 countries and territories of the world with comprehensive economic and geopolit

24.56 MB

★★★ 2017 OFFICIAL DVSA preparation materials ★★★ The highest rated UK LGV Theory Test application for iPhone (5/5 stars) is now available on Android!

19.47 MB

Speech to Text Translator TTS Pro is a funny and user-friendly speech recognition, text to speech (TTS) and translator application, which allows you t

6.11 MB

Finally teachers can easily keep a record of their lesson plans on their mobile device. Easily view notes by the day, the week or the class. PDF files

16.77 MB

★ Learn French in no time! MosaLingua's effective and addictive teaching method will help you memorize loads of vocabulary, key phrases and conjugatio

19.61 MB

★ Learn Italian in no time! MosaLingua's effective and addictive teaching method will help you memorize loads of vocabulary, key phrases and conjugati

19.67 MB
Piano Melody Pro iglesias

• Learn to play your favorite songs on the piano by playing back the melody • Over 600 songs to learn from different eras and genres. • Highly configu

3.93 MB

Lernen Sie mit den Originalfragen von TÜV und DEKRA im Layout der Theorieprüfung. Alle Prüfungsfragen werden von einem virtuellen Fahrlehrer erklärt.

26.03 MB

Designed by a teacher, for teachers. Try out all the features of the app with 1 rubric so you are satisfied before purchasing.Link to free version FEA

2.04 MB

Die Führerschein App von THEORIE24 ist die perfekte Vorbereitung auf die theoretische Führerscheinprüfung und ideale Ergänzung zum Theorieunterricht i

26.71 MB

Browse and search the conjugations of over 1000 German verbs Ideal for German students of all levels and as a companion for trips to Germany, Austria

493.09 KB

* Learn Scales, Chords and Modes in any position with this fully functional guitar simulator. * Listen and play back the scales or chords or view the

8.77 MB

Optimale Vorbereitung zur Auto Theorieprüfung (Schweiz). Meistgekaufte Auto Theorie App im Google Play Store. Lerne mit den offiziellen asa Theoriefra

1.84 MB

★ ★ ★ 2017 OFFICIAL DVSA preparation materials ★ ★ ★ Includes Car Driving Theory Test and Hazard Perception Test Preparation Modules featuring 42 OFFI

24.58 MB

Learn English while Watching Movies! Playing movies in vertical view – watch a movie and read subtitle script at once! MePlayer Movie is a movie playe

1 MB

Flashcards Deluxe is an easy to use yet powerful and full-featured flashcard app which you can use to study just about anything you want. (There is a

5.56 MB