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共 20434 个APK 下载 最新版本

[공지] MY VOCA(북마크 단어들)만의 학습과 테스트 기능이 추가되었습니다. 즉, 모르는 단어로 체크한 것들만 별도로 학습하실 수 있습니다. ★★★ 무작정 외운다고 외워지나요? 암기보다 이해가 먼저입니다! ★★★ ★★★ 책과 앱의 동시 출시! 책을 구매하면 앱 Fu

26.43 MB

Get to know 220 birds of Switzerland with the BirdSongQuiz of the Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach. The app offers: • a learning mode with th

48.51 MB

Программа для интерактивного изучения основ HTML и CSS. Вы сможете создать свою первую html-страницу прямо в этом приложении и увидеть результат в бра

1.47 MB

"오프라인 중국어사전"은 인터넷없이 사용가능한 학습 중국어 사전이며, 중국어 초심 학습자 및 비지니스 중국어 사용자를 위해 개발되었습니다. 본 어플은 다음과 같은 강력한 기능을 가지고 있습니다. 1. 필기인식 키보드 사용가능 2. 중국어 36000자 오프라인 사용가능

26.22 MB

Made elusively for NYPD The Key (nypdthekey.com) by Fineology (fineologyllc.com) This first-of-its-kind app allows you to quiz yourself on common patr

1.04 MB
Notas U Pro 6.1.0

• Calculo rápido: Digita tus notas, pregunta tu situación y obtén los resultados con divertidos mensajes. • Materias: Lleva el control de notas, prome

6.24 MB

Attention! This is just a license key to unlock additional features in "Workbook Maker(the free one)". You have to install "Workbook Maker" too. This

123.65 KB

Приложение содержит полный набор данных, необходимых для того, чтобы хорошо сдать ЕГЭ по истории: список дат и терминов, учебник, архитектурные сооруж

33.63 MB

The Collocation Dictionary Pro helps you to figure out how to understand correctly word's meaning and how to use it in sentences in abundant of comple

5.86 MB

Essays on persuasive essay topics, argumentative essay topics and many more are now made easy for you with this intuitive, useful and simple to use es

3.61 MB
띄어쓰기 1.1.2

■ 우리말 공부 시리즈 한정 기간 할인 (출시) 단어의 우주: 3000→1200원 한글 달인: 3300→2200원 바른 발음: 3300→2200원 띄어쓰기: 2200→1200원 최고 어휘: 2200→1200원 사면초가: 2200→1200원 우리 속담: 2000→1000

12.18 MB

- весь необходимый материал для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ / ЕГЭ Биология теория - подробный разбор каждого задания / ЕГЭ Биология ответы - практические задан

3.27 MB

The Prophet Muhammed (sas) in a hadith; "The best among you is that you learn the Qur'an and teach." (Bukhari, Fezâilü'l-Qur'an 21) is commanded. You

12.05 MB

В приложении собрана вся исчерпывающая информация по такой интересной теме как мнемоника (мнемотехника, запоминание, развитие ассоциативного мышления)

3.47 MB
Memorization 1.9.0

If you have a lot of tasks, hundreads of emails which contain different information every day. Your day may be occupied by meetings and important call

1.45 MB

This app has been designed to replace the paper based planners or diaries used by teachers. Begin by setting up your timetable. Then add lesson notes,

1.47 MB

How this app makes math so much easier: • This manual shows all important functions of the new graphing calculator TI-Nspire CX (and CAS), which are v

40.97 MB

Medrills: Cardiac Emergencies The EMT task of identifying cardiac emergencies is fully illustrated using 3D graphics and interactive exercises to rein

19.36 MB

Learning Web Development Pro and Web Designing Programming is a step by step guide/tutorial on Web Development, it is aimed at those who are starting

7.73 MB

The Catholic suite most comprehensive text and audio on Android! Texts, prayers and daily readings of the Holy Mass in the major languages ​​of the wo

3.67 MB